University of Michigan Association of Chinese Professors (UM-ACP)  
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Support for Black Lives!

As members of the UM Association of Chinese Professors (UM-ACP), we are shocked by the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor. We publicly and explicitly denounce the historical and structural systems of racism and state-sanctioned violence against Black people and other communities of color, and vow to take actions in solidarity with our Black sisters and brothers.

The ACP recommends the following actions and resources:

  • Donate: Send funds to the following organizations, the Detroit Justice Center, the NAACP, and A New Way of Life.

  • Advocate: Read up about mandatory minimum sentences and watch videos about this on Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM’s) website. Call or write to your state legislators and governor about reducing mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug crimes.

  • Invest: Support black businesses. Find them on WeBuyBlack, The Black Wallet, and Official Black Wall Street.

  • Educate: When people ask, “Why aren't you talking about ‘black-on-black crime’?” and other myths about BlackLivesMatter, let Francesca Ramsey help you with your answers.

  • Acknowledgements: We used this Medium article to identify actions. This website has one of the most comprehensive lists of actions that people can take. We thank UMSI colleagues Patricia Garcia and Christian Sandvig for sharing resources.

Our Mission: Promote member interactions, idea exchange, and academic/cultural exchange between China and USA